#Use the list function

#create an empty list

#Cast an iterable to a list
print(list("Hello, World!"))

The list() function is a constructor function for list data type. It is used to create a list from an iterable object, such as a string, tuple, range, etc. It is also called without any argument as an alternative to empty brackets  to create an empty list.

list(iterable= None)
iterable An iterable object such as a tuple, string, dictionary, etc to be casted into a list.

If the function is called without any argument, it simply returns an empty list. When the iterable argument is given, it returns a list containing  the elements of the iterable.

list(['Kenya', 'Japan', 'France']) #list to list, returns a replica list
//['Kenya', 'Japan', 'France']
list((1, 2, 3)) #tuple to list
//[1, 2, 3]
list({'Python', 'Java', 'PHP', 'Javascript'}) #set to list
//['PHP', 'Java', 'Python', 'Javascript']
list({1 : 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'Three'}) #dictionary to list(only keys are considered)
//[1, 2, 3]
list(range(5, 15)) #range to list
//[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
list(map(lambda x:x+1, [10, 20, 30, 40]))#map object to list
//[11, 21, 31, 41]