ExampleEdit & Run

Use the issubclass() Function

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
       self.name = name
       self.age = age

class Student(Person):
     def __init__(self, name, age, school):
        super().__init__(name, age)
        self.school = school

#Check whethe a class is a  subclass of another
print(issubclass(Student, Person))
True [Finished in 0.01056311884894967s]

The issubclass() function checks whether a certain class is a subclass of another class.  A class is considered a subclass of another if it inherits the properties and methods from the parent class whether directly or indirectly. A subclass may also define its own unique properties and methods that are not available to the parent class.

issubclass(cls, parent)
cls Required. The class object to be tested.
parent Required. The class object that "cls" is being tested whether it is a subclass of.

The issubclass() function returns True if cls is a subclass of the parent, otherwise it returns False.

With Builtin classes

ExampleEdit & Run
print(issubclass(int, object))
print(issubclass(bool, int))
print(issubclass(bool, str))
True True False [Finished in 0.009957806672900915s]

Remember that all classes in Python ultimately inherit from the object class, this is why the issubclass(int, object) evaluates to True. The function also confirms that the bool class is a subclass of the int and not a subclass of the str class.

With custom classes

ExampleEdit & Run
class Vehicle: 
    def __init__(self, name): 
        self.name = name
class Car(Vehicle): 
     def __init__(self, name, color):
         self.color = color
class MiniCar(Car):
      def __init__(self, name, color):
           super.__init__(self, name, color)
print(issubclass(Car, Vehicle)) #direct
print(issubclass(MiniCar, Vehicle)) #indirect
True True [Finished in 0.010064778849482536s]