The isinstance() function is used to determine whether an object is an instance of a specified class or the object is an instance of one of the classes in a given tuple of classes.


isinstance(object, cls)


isinstance(object, tuple_of_classes)

The function returns a Boolean value; True if the object is an instance of the specified class or is an instance of one of the given classes( if the second argument is a tuple). It returns  False otherwise.

This function is commonly used to check whether the given object belongs to a certain type.

isinstance('Hello', str)
isinstance(5, int)
isinstance(True, bool)
isinstance(3.142, int)
isinstance(3.142, float)
isinstance([1, 2, 3,4], list)
isinstance({}, set)
isinstance({}, dict)

The function also returns True if the given class is a base class of the class that the object belongs to. For example calling isinstance(False, int) will return True because the value False belongs to the bool type which is a subclass of the int type.


isinstance(bool, int)
isinstance(True, bool)
isinstance(True, int)

Using a tuple of types

isinstance(1, (list, int, tuple))
isinstance([1, 2, 3], (tuple, set, dict))
isinstance(0j, (int, float, complex))

Using user-defined classes

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self): = 'instance'
x = MyClass()
print(isinstance(x, MyClass))