Python is one of the most popular programming languages in existence today. This is mostly due to its programmer-friendly yet powerful features.
A Python program is more close to natural language such as English than an equivalent program in some other languages. This makes it easier to read and understand a program written in Python especially for those with little or no experience in the language or programming in general.
In this article we will look at the various features that have contributed to the immense success that Python has become in the programming world.
Easy to learn and code
As earlier mentioned, program s written in Python are relatively easier to read and understand than a program written in a typical C-like language such as C++ or Java. This is because Python being a high-level language, abstracts the low-level details in order to simplify the programming process. Its syntax is also straightforward which makes it easier for beginners to learn the language and the fundamentals of programming easily.
For example, consider the following C++ and Java program to print 'Hello, World' to the console.
//A c++ program to print "Hello, World" to the console
#include <iostream>
using namespace std
int main(){
cout<< 'Hello, World!'
return 0
// A java program to print 'Hello, World' to the console.
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
For a beginner, it may not be very obvious to deduce what is going on in the above programs. In the case with C++ you will have to understand what we mean by header files, import the necessary std namespace for the output to work, initialize the main function, and all the other overheads.
In the case with Java, a beginner is introduced to Object Oriented programming even before they have learned the fundamentals of programming.
Now consider the equivalent program written in Python.
#A Python program to print 'Hello, World!' to the console.
print('Hello, World!')
In the above case, a beginner does not even have to understand is programming in order to understand what the program is doing, he just needs to be knowing what the words print means.
No wonder why most learning institutions such as universities and colleges are teaching Python as the first programming language.
Interpreted language
Python is regarded as an interpreted language, in interpreted languages, the code is directly executed by the interpreter without any explicit pre-compilation step. In reality though, a Python program is compiled to a bytecode which is then interpreted by the interpreter. However, the compilation process is done automatically in the background and without the user's knowledge or involvement.
One feature of interpreted languages is that you do not have to explicitly compile the code after making changes. Unlike in compiled languages where you have to recompile the code before running it again. This makes a running a Python program far more seamless and quicker than running a compiled language program.
Python is Dynamically typed
Programming languages can be divided in to statically typed and dynamically typed . Statically typed languages, require type declarations when declaring variables and do not allow variables to change type during their lifetime. This means the type of data the variable is going to hold must be determined when it is declared.
On the other hand, dynamically typed languages, do not require type declarations when declaring variables and allow variables to change type during their lifetime. This means the type of data that is stored in the variable need not be determined when it is declared.
Most high-level languages such as Python tend to be dynamically typed. In Python variables do not need to be declared before use, and they can be reassigned to different data types. Type checking is done at run-time, meaning that types of variables are checked when the code is executed, rather than when it is written.
Large Standard Library
Solving basic problems that you will frequently encounter when programming is made far easier in Python, thanks to the huge number of standard library modules. These include modules for mathematical operations, string manipulation, regular expressions, networking, data storage, debugging, and more.
The standard library is also constantly updated with new modules to match the latest trends in programming and technology.
The large number of standard library modules ensures that Python developers will not have to re-invent the wheel. The modules are also efficiently implemented so developers can easily build on them to create more complex applications.
Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional, procedural, and aspect-oriented programming.
Object-oriented programming is an essential part of Python this paradigm emphasizes abstraction and data encapsulation, which makes it easy to create complex programs without writing long and intricate code. As a matter of fact Python is entirely object-oriented this is due to the fact that everything in Python is an object.
Python as an imperative programming language allows you to perform tasks systematically, following a set of instructions. Imperative programming paradigm emphasizes data manipulation and transformation, making it a great choice for data analysis and scientific programming.
Python as a functional programming language allows for the use of higher-order functions. This allows for code to be written more concisely, making it easier to read and understand. Functional programming allows programs to be broken down into small reusable functions, making it easier to maintain and debug. .
Open-Source and Free
Python is an open-source language, its various implementations freely available in their official website at This ensures that Python users all over the world can access and use the most up-to-date versions of the language for free. Developers also have an opportunity to contribute to the development of the language in various ways, such as by submitting bug reports and participating in the designing of new features.
Integration and Interoperability
Python highly supports integration with other languages , this means that a program can be written partly in python and partly in another language(s). This is especially common in cases where performance is critical as the other language(s) can be used to optimize certain parts of the program. Python also allows components from program written in other languages to be integrated into Python programs, which makes it possible to use libraries written in other languages in Python programs.
Large Global Community
Due to Python's popularity, a lot of resources are available such as books, websites, tutorials, and online courses on the languages. There are also many communities available online for discussing Python programming and seeking help.
Python also has a large official community at the official website. This ensures that Python developers can interact, share ideas and help each other progress within the language.