Most programs' logic require conditional branching, this means that some statements are only executed if a certain given condition is met.
Python offers an intuitive and user-friendly support for conditional branching by use of three essential keywords that is if
, elif
and else
. We will explore each of these keywords and how they are used to form the branching blocks.
The If Block
This is the most basic and widely-used branching tool in Python, it can be used alone to perform a task if a condition is met otherwise the program's execution jumps to the next statement after it's block. The basic structure of a standalone if statement is:
if condition:
The most common expressions which are typically used in the condition are those that evaluate to a boolean Value and they are used with any valid expression , If the expression evaluates to True
, the statements within the block are executed, otherwise they are skipped. If the expression used does not evaluate to either True
or False,
the boolean value of its results is evaluated, the following table shows Boolean values of possible expressions that can go in the condition:
non-zero number e.g 1, -7, 20.0 | True |
Zero e.g 0, 0.0 | False |
non-empty String | True |
empty string | False |
nonempty sequence e.g (0, 1, 2), [1, 2, 3], {"a": "apple "} |
True |
empty sequence e.g (), [], {} | False |
any instance of Python type e.g class, function, types |
None | False |
This means that a block like the one shown below will always be executed while the one just below it will always be skipped:
#this block will always get executed
if 1:
#This block will never get executed!
if 0:
There is no reason why you should use static values like those shown above in the condition, most values that go in the condition are ones whose value is not known in advance such as result of expressions, user inputs, or dynamic values for example return from functions.
Example of an if statement:
name = input("Enter your name:")
//Enter your name: John Doe _
if name == "John Doe":
If the condition specified is not met the program will move on to the next statement , for example in the above case , if the name entered is not "John Doe" the program will terminate.
name = input("Enter your name:")
//Enter your name: Jane Doe _
if name == "John Doe":
Most of the times , we want to do something else if the condition in the first if statement fails, this is where the elif
block comes in.
The elif block
In most other programming languages, this block goes by the name 'else if' but in python it is simply 'elif
', there is no limit to how many elif
blocks you can put below an if block, the only condition is that this block requires a preceding if
block, this means that you cannot use an elif
block without having used an if
. The elif
blocks are used to chain conditions so that the one whose condition evaluates to True
first gets executed and the others below it are dropped without their condition being tested. They are used as follows:
if condition1:
elif condition2:
elif condition3:
elif condition4:
Example 1:
num = int(input("Enter number:"))
//Enter number:7 _
if num % 2 == 0:
elif num % 2 == 1:
Example 2:
days = int(input("Enter number of day:"))
//Enter number of day:30 _
if days == 30:
print("April, June, September, November")
elif days == 31:
print("January, March, May, July, August, October, December")
elif days == 28 or days ==29:
//April, June, September, November
The else block
The else
block gets executed if all the preceding if
and elif
blocks fail, it does not require any condition. Without this block we might end up performing a lot of unnecessary condition checking.
The else
block like elif
, cannot be used without a preceding if
block. This block is commonly used to handle events such as if an unexpected value is given, e.g., user entering an invalid input . It is used with preceding if blocks as follows:
if condition:
And together with elif
blocks as follows:
if condition 1:
elif condition 2:
elif condition 3:
Our previous examples, now using the else
block, might look as follows:
Example 1:
num = int(input("Enter number:"))
//Enter number:4 _
if num % 2 == 0 :
Example 2
days = int(input("Enter number of days:"))
//Enter number of days:30 _
if days == 30:
print("April, June, September, November")
elif days == 28 or days == 29:
print("January, March, May, July, August, October, December")
//April, June, September, November
You should be slightly careful when using the else
statement, for example in the later snippet we are assuming that if the user didn't enter 30, 28 or 29 , then the user entered 31, if instead this is not the case say the user enters 500 as the input, the program will still happily execute the statements inside the else block. So the most robust way to implement the above program is to explicitly use the if
and elif
blocks for the possible correct inputs and then use the else
block to do something
if the user did not enter one of the required values , we can for example print None
days = int(input("Enter number of days:"))
//Enter number of days:57 _
if days == 30:
print("April, June, September, November")
elif days == 28 or days == 29:
elif days == 31:
print("January, March, May, July, August, October, December")
The Short Hand Syntax
The if block can be used in one line , used this way, the header part i.e the part which contains the condition is separated with the statement to be executed with full colon as follows:
if condition : <block>
name = input("Enter your name:")
//Enter your name: John Doe _
if name == "John Doe": print("Welcome!")
When we use the else
block as well in the short hand form, the full colon is not included, we instead reorganize the statement such that the block comes before the if keyword as follows:
<block> if condition else <block>
name = input("Enter your name:")
//Enter your name: Jane Doe _
print("Welcome") if name == "John Doe" else print("You are not John Doe")
//You are not John Doe
The short hand syntax is more suitable for simple conditional statements like the ones shown above , but can still be used with more than 2 conditions as shown
<block> if <condition> else <block> if <condition> else <block>
You should generally avoid this syntax and instead use the elif blocks to make the code easy to read and understand:
days = int(input("Enter number of days:"))
print("February") if (days== 28 or days == 29) else print("April, June, September, November") if days == 30 else print("January, March, May, July, August, October, December")
Interactively the above program will look like:
days = int(input("Enter number of days:"))
//Enter number of days: 30 _
print("February") if (days== 28 or days == 29) else print("April, June, September, November") if days == 30 else print("January, March, May, July, August, October, December")
//April, June, September, November
The pass Statement
The pass
statement in Python is used when we want to exit a block without doing anything. Yes that is correct, there are situations where you just want to "do nothing" if a certain condition is met, it is like we are telling the program execution to just pass the block. It's syntax takes the following form:
if condition:
age = input("Enter age:")
//Enter age: 10 _
if 18 <= age<=100:
print("You are an adult")
elif 5 <= age < 18:
print("You are a minor:")
elif 0< age <5:
print("You are a kid.")
//You are a minor
In the above example if you enter a value which is not between 0 and 100, the program will "do nothing", because the else
block which contains the else
statement will be executed. You should note that the pass statement does not tell the program to exit the block, for example if you put other statements below the pass statement, those statements will still be executed as usual. It is actually used mostly because python does not allow empty blocks.
The pass statement is not unique to the branching blocks, you can use it with any other valid block such as functions or loops, you can even use it alone outside blocks.
Nested If
A nested if statement is where one or more if statements occurs inside of another. Nesting can take many shapes, there is actually no limit to the level of nesting, for example you can have an if statement inside another if statement, then another inside the inner one and so on.
the following is a possible form of nesting:
if <condition>:
if <condition>:
elif <condition>:
Another one:
if <condition>:
if <condition>:
elif <condition>:
elif <condition>:
elif <condition>:
if <condition>:
if <condition>:
elif <condition>:
You should generally avoid too much nesting since it can make the program less readable and hard to understand. Whenever the level of nesting gets deeper, you can wrap some statement in a function , check on the The Zen of Python , to see other good practices to follow when programming in Python.