The math.isclose() function  is used to determine whether two numerical values are close enough to be considered equal given a certain level of precision.

math.isclose(a, b, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0)


a The first  value to be compared, it should be a real number.
b The second value to be compare, it should also be a real number
rel_tol An optional parameter that specifies the relative tolerance for the comparison. It defaults to 1e-09
abs_tol An optional parameter that specifies the absolute tolerance for the comparison, it defaults to 0.0

Return Value

This function returns True if the two values passed in are considered close enough within the given tolerances, and False otherwise.

ExampleEdit & Run
import math

print(math.isclose(10.123456789, 10.123456788))
print(math.isclose(10, 11))
True False [Finished in 0.010758638381958008s]

Let’s take a look at an example of using custom tolerance levels.

ExampleEdit & Run
import math
print(math.isclose(10.123456788, 10.123456789, rel_tol=1e-4, abs_tol=1e-3))

print(math.isclose(10, 9.9, rel_tol = 0.5))

True True [Finished in 0.010445971041917801s]

This function can be useful if precision is necessary  when working with a large collection values.

ExampleEdit & Run
import math 

check_value = 15.0

list_of_floats = [12.98, 14.99, 15.00, 20.02, 10.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.10, 15.125, 15.14, 24.16, 5.18, 15.20, 7.22, 15.24, 11.26, 15.28, 15.30, 15.32, 15.34, 14.48, 12.54, 15.56, 15.58, 15.60, 15.62, 15.64, 8.76, 17.18, 15.96, 10.32]

print(list(filter(lambda x: math.isclose(x, check_value,  rel_tol=0.1), list_of_floats)))
[14.99, 15.0, 15.06, 15.08, 15.1, 15.125, 15.14, 15.2, 15.24, 15.28, 15.3, 15.32, 15.34, 14.48, 15.56, 15.58, 15.6, 15.62, 15.64, 15.96] [Finished in 0.010559513233602047s]